Training Tips
In this post I will explain to you just tips and tricks I have learned in my life to make exercises safer, easier, and more fun.
The most important thing to do while working out (which was not mentioned in any of my posts) is to BREATHE! Breathing will not only give you more strength during your lifts but will also avoid the possibility of a hernia. And you DO NOT want a hernia. A hernia is when your intestine actually rips out of its sack and starts overfilling into your body. It requires surgery and a break from any physical activity for at least a couple of months. All because you didn't breathe. The proper way to breathe is: out during a pushing motion, and in during a pulling motion. It takes time but after a while it will become second nature.
The second most important thing to do at the gym is STRETCH. Stretching can and will avoid the possibility of tearing any muscles or tweaking any nerves. Most important thing to stretch: shoulders. A shoulder tear will keep you out of the gym for a while and it is much easier then you think. Shoulders are not ready for all the stress that is usually put on them during a work out so you must prepare them. Also before doing any type of physical activity involving sprinting or running you should stretch out the hamstring and groin. Those are the two most common muscles people pull and it could be avoided so easily.
Some other training tips I have picked up are:
- Work out with a friend or partner. This will keep you motivated as well as have a spotter at all times.
- Bring an ipod or some type of music player to the gym.
- Try to get cardio in at some point during your work out. It is recommended to do it after. Even if its just walking on the treadmill for five minutes, it is better then nothing.
- If your looking to put on weight, make sure to take your protein shake right after the gym. If you do not have any either go to GNC and buy some or just run to any deli after a workout and pick up a muscle milk or something equivalent.
- Most importantly Be motivated!! Check the title of this post
Wow!nice article and containing allot of information about the fitness and exercise well done.